Common cold, benign infections, teething or changes in babies diet can induce diarrhoea and abdominal colics (cramps) in small babies or even in older children. Those up to 5 months old are at greater risk when suffering from diarrhoea as they are most likely to develop a rapid dehydration.
Unless the cause of the loose bowel motions (diarrhoea) is a really severe one (bacterial infections of the digestive tract, a.s.o.), parents could use a very old remedy for such condition and namely the rice water.
A lot of us have heard that the rice seeds can be beneficial in stopping diarrhoea. But how to use the white seeds when it comes about the small babies?
Here is a very simple recipe that any of you could use without headaches:
- 3 tablespoons of rice flour
- 4 tablespoons of glucose powder
- 1 liter water
Put the water to boil and then add the rice flour and the glucose powder. Simmer the mix for 25 minutes stirring from time to time. When ready, wait for the rice water to get to the room temperature and add it to the milk bottles as follows:
- day one: 3 parts rice water and 1 part milk for each bottle of the day (if diarrhoea is a severe one - more than 6 or 7 watery stools per day - continue with the same proportions during the second day as well
- day two and three: 1 part rice water and 1 part milk for each bottle of the day
- day four: 1 part rice water and 3 parts milk for each bottle of the day (it could be continued respecting these proportions for one or more days or until diarrhoea will resolve)